General Information
I've used a similar set of scripts quite a few times now to provide feedback to customers that wanted to get a more realistic picture of the I/O capabilities from a database perspective, rather than relying on artificial benchmarks performed outside - or even inside, think of I/O calibration - the database. Although there are already several Oracle benchmark toolkits available, like Swingbench and in particular SLOB, that run inside the database I was looking for a very simplistic and straightforward I/O benchmark that comes with minimum overhead and in principle allows maximizing I/O from the database perspective, so using regular Oracle database codepaths based on SQL execution plans, I/O calls performed as part of that, involving the database buffer cache where applicable and in particular supports focusing on specific I/O patterns (which might be unique to this benchmark toolkit). Therefore I've developed a set of simple scripts that support in total four different I/O tests:
- Single and multi block physical reads
- Single and multi block physical writes
In case of the physical read tests support for synchronous and asynchronous reads is provided, which can be controlled via a corresponding input / parameter to the script.
In terms of instrumentation / internal implementation this corresponds to:
- synchronous single block reads: "db file sequential read" / "cell single block physical read" on Exadata
- asynchronous single block reads: "db file parallel read" / "cell list of blocks physical read" on Exadata
- synchronous multi block reads: "db file scattered read" / "cell multiblock physical read" on Exadata
- asynchronous multi block reads: "direct path read" / "cell smart table/index scan" on Exadata
The physical write tests should mainly trigger "db file parallel write" in case of the single block writes and "direct path write" in case of the multi block writes. Of course when it comes to DML activity things get more complicated in terms of the actual database activity triggered, in particular the additional undo / redo / archiving / potential standby activity. Note that if you're using an auto-extensible Undo tablespace configuration, running the single block physical write tests might increase the size of your Undo tablespace - you have been warned.
So each I/O test generates a specific I/O pattern (except for the single block write test that can also trigger synchronous single block reads, see the script for more details). The basic idea is to run just one of the tests to maximize the specific I/O pattern, but of course nothing stops you from running several of the tests at the same time (would require different schemas to use for each test because otherwise object names dropped / created will collide / overlap) which will result in a mixture of I/O patterns. There is no synchronisation though in terms of starting / stopping / generating performance report snapshots etc. when running multiple of these tests at the same time, so you would probably have to take care of that yourself. So far I've not tested this, so it might not work out as just described.
In case of the physical read tests (except for the asynchronous "direct path read" that bypasses the buffer cache by definition) using too small objects / a too large buffer cache can turn this into a CPU / logical I/O test instead, so in principle you could use those tests for generating mainly CPU load instead of physical I/O (and provided the physical I/O is quick enough the CPU usage will be significant anyway), but that is not the intended usage of the scripts.
The scripts allow control over the size of the objects created and also support placing in specific buffer caches via the STORAGE clause (like RECYCLE or KEEP cache), so it is up to you to create objects of a suitable size depending on your configuration and intended usage.
Update: I've published a tutorial on my Youtube channel how to use the scripts.
Please note - the scripts are freely available and come with no warranty at all - so please use at your own risk.
In principle the scripts can be downloaded from my github repository - ideally pick the IO_BENCHMARK.ZIP which contains all required scripts, and should simply be extracted into some directory. Since the four different I/O tests are so similar, there is a subdirectory "common" under "io_benchmark" that holds all the common script parts and the main scripts then just call these common scripts where applicable.
The benchmark scripts consist of four similar sets:
max_read_iops_benchmark*: Single block reads synchronous / asynchronous
max_read_throughput_benchmark*: Multi block reads synchronous / asynchronous
max_write_iops_benchmark*: Single block writes - optionally mixed with synchronous single block reads (depends on object vs. buffer cache size)
max_write_throughput_benchmark*: Multi block direct writes
Each set consists of three scripts - an interactive guided script prompting for inputs used as parameters for the actual benchmark harness that in turn will launch another "slave" script as many times as desired to run the concurrent benchmark code.
There are in principle two different ways how the scripts can be used:
1. For each set there is a script that is supposed to be used from a SYSDBA account and guides through the different options available (*interactive). It will drop and re-create a schema to be used for the benchmark and grant the minimum privileges required to create the objects and run the benchmark. At the end of this interactive script it will connect as the user just created and run the benchmark. You can also use this script to clean-up afterwards, which is dropping the user created and stopping the script at that point.
2. The interactive script just calls the main benchmark harness with the parameters specified, so if you already have everything in place (check the "interactive_create_user.sql" in the "common" script subdirectory for details what privileges are required) to run the benchmark you can simply connect as the intended user, call the actual benchmark script and specify the parameters as desired - it will use defaults for any parameter not explicitly specified - check the script header for more details. Please note that I haven't tested running the actual benchmark as SYS respectively SYSDBA and I wouldn't recommend doing so. Instead use a dedicated user / schema as created by the interactive script part.
Each set of scripts consists of a third script which is the "slave" script being called as many times concurrently as specified to perform the actual benchmark activity.
The scripts will generate objects, typically as part of the preparation steps before the actual concurrent benchmark activity starts, or in case of the multi block write test, the object creation is the actual benchmark activity.
After the benchmark ran for the specified amount of time (600 seconds / 10 minutes default) the "slaves" will be shut down (if they haven't done so automatically) and the corresponding information about the IOPS / throughput rate achieved will be shown, based on (G)V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY, so at least 120 seconds of runtime are required to have this final query to show something meaningful (to ensure that at least one 60 seconds interval is fully covered).
In addition the script by default will generate performance report snapshots (either AWR or STATSPACK) and display the corresponding report at the end. The file name generated describes the test performed along with the most important parameters (parallel degree, I/O mode (sync / async), object size, duration, timestamp etc.) Note that the script on Unix/Linux makes use of the "xdg-open" utility to open the generated report, so the "xdg-utils" package would be required to be installed to have this working as intended.
Note that in the PDB level reports and metrics seem to miss "physical single block writes" performed by the DB Writer, so effectively evaluating / running this benchmark in on PDB level won't report anything meaningful - you would have to resort to reports on CDB level instead, which I haven't implemented (actually I had to put in some effort to use the PDB level AWR reports and metrics in 12.2, so hopefully Oracle will fix this in future versions).
Finally the benchmark script will clean up and drop the objects created for the benchmark.
In principle the benchmark scripts should cope with all kinds of configurations: Windows / Unix / Linux, Single Instance / RAC, Standard / Enterprise Edition, PDB / Non-PDB, Non-Exadata / Exadata, and support versions from on. It might run on lower versions, too, but not tested, and of course 18c ( is not available on premises yet at the time of writing this, so not tested either.
But since this is an initial 1.0 version it obviously wasn't tested in all possible combinations / configurations / parameter settings, so expect some glitches. Feedback and ideas how to improve are welcome.
Where applicable the benchmark harness script also generates two tables EVENT_HISTOGRAM_MICRO1 and EVENT_HISTOGRAM_MICRO2 which are snapshots of GV$EVENT_HISTOGRAM_MICRO available from 12.1 on for synchronous single / multi block reads. The "harness" scripts provide a suitable query in the script header to display the latency histogram information nicely.
Happy I/O benchmarking!
Domains in 23ai Schema Development
1 day ago
This came at the perfect time. Building up a new RAC system and would like to get benchmark numbers to know what the system is capable.
ReplyDeleteLooks very user friendly.