-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Script: pk_stats_concurrent.sql -- -- Author: Randolf Geist -- -- Copyright: http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com -- -- Purpose: A queue based concurrent stats implementation - installation script -- -- Usage: @pk_stats_concurrent -- -- The script will first drop all objects (can be skipped) -- -- And then attempt to create the objects required (can be skipped) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spool pk_stats_concurrent.log prompt Concurrent Stats - Deinstallation prompt *----------------------------------------------------* prompt This script will now attempt to drop the objects prompt belonging to this installation accept skip_deinstall prompt 'Hit Enter to continue, CTRL+C to cancel or enter S to skip deinstall: ' set serveroutput on declare procedure exec_ignore_fail(p_sql in varchar2) as begin execute immediate p_sql; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error executing: ' || p_sql); dbms_output.put_line('Error message: ' || SQLERRM); end; begin if upper('&skip_deinstall') = 'S' then null; else exec_ignore_fail('begin pk_stats_concurrent.teardown_aq; end;'); exec_ignore_fail('drop table stats_concurrent_log'); exec_ignore_fail('drop type stats_concurrent_info force'); exec_ignore_fail('drop package pk_stats_concurrent'); exec_ignore_fail('begin dbms_scheduler.drop_job_class(''CONC_STATS''); end;'); end if; end; / prompt Concurrent Stats - Installation prompt *----------------------------------------------------* prompt This script will now attempt to create the objects prompt belonging to this installation PAUSE Hit CTRL+C to cancel, ENTER to continue... /** * The log table for minimum logging of the concurrent execution threads * Since we cannot access the DBMS_OUTPUT of these separate processes * This needs to be cleaned up manually if / when required **/ create table stats_concurrent_log (log_timestamp timestamp, sql_statement clob, message clob); /** * The single object type used as payload in the AQ queue for concurrent execution * Each message will have a description of the index plus the actual DDL text as payload **/ create or replace type stats_concurrent_info as object ( ownname varchar2(30) , tabname varchar2(30) , partname varchar2(30) , degree number , granularity varchar2(30) ); / show errors create or replace package pk_stats_concurrent authid current_user as ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Id$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * PK_STATS_CONCURRENT.SQL * * Created By : Randolf Geist (http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com) * Creation Date : 31-OCT-2016 * Last Update : 06-DEC-2016 * Authors : Randolf Geist (RG) * * History : * * When | Who | What * ---------------------------------- * 31-OCT-2016 | RG | Created * 06-DEC-2016 | RG | This header comment updated * * Description : * * This is a simple prototype implementation for the given task of gathering database stats * concurrently, in case you are not satisfied with the built-in concurrent stats option available since 11.2.0.x * * In 11.2, the CONCURRENT stats option creates as many jobs as there are objects to gather * And the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter then controls the number of concurrent jobs running * Since the ordering of execution isn't really optimized, many of these concurrent jobs might attempt to gather stats on the same object in case it is (sub)partitioned * This can lead to significant contention on Library Cache level (due to exclusive Library Cache Locks required by DDL / DBMS_STATS) * * In 12.1 the CONCURRENT stats option was obviously completed rewritten and uses some more intelligent processing * by calculating if and yes how many jobs should run concurrently for what kind of objects (see for example the new DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATION_TASKS view that exposes some of these details) * Still I've observed many occasions with this new implementation where lots of objects were deliberately gathered in the main session * one after the other which doesn't really make good use of available resources in case many objects need to be analyzed * * This implementation tries to work around these points by using a simple queue-based approach for true concurrent stats processing * combined with an attempt to distribute the tables to analyze across the different threads in a way that minimizes the contention on Library Cache level * * It needs to be installed / executed under a suitable account that has the privileges to create queues, types, packages, tables, jobs and job classes and gather stats on the whole database * * A sample user profile could look like this: create user conc_stats identified by conc_stats; grant create session, create table, create procedure, create type, create job, manage scheduler, analyze any, analyze any dictionary to conc_stats; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to conc_stats; grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to conc_stats; grant select on sys.v_$parameter to conc_stats; alter user conc_stats default tablespace users; alter user conc_stats quota unlimited on users; * Parameters to be checked, depending on concurrency desired: * * job_queue_processes: Needs to be set high enough to accommodate for the concurrent stats threads spawned. By default this package spawns CPU_COUNT concurrent threads * parallel_max_servers: If a stats thread is supposed to use Parallel Execution (degree > 1) for gathering stats you'll need at least threads * degree Parallel Slaves configured * services: It's possible to specify a service to have the stats threads only executed on RAC nodes that run that service * * The jobs are created under the same job class, currently hard coded value CONC_STATS - this makes the handling easier in case you want to stop / drop the jobs submitted manually * * The job class name can be passed to calls to DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB or STOP_JOB - remember that job classes are owned by SYS, so you have to specify SYS.CONC_STATS for the job class name used here * * The main entry point STATS_CONCURRENT is all you need to call to start concurrent stats gathering on the database * similar to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS using one of the options GATHER, GATHER STALE or GATHER AUTO (default) - here you have to use LIST EMPTY, LIST STALE or LIST AUTO (default) * * The default behaviour when not specifying any parameters is to start as many threads as there are CPUs by using the CPU_COUNT parameter * If you want this to be multiplied by the number of instances in a RAC cluster uncomment the CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES reference below in the code (assuming same CPU_COUNT on all nodes) * * This also means that the "intra" parallelism per gather_table_stats call will be one in such a case since the intra parallelism is calculated by default as CPU_COUNT / number of threads * * If you don't want to have that many threads / PX slaves started, specify the number of concurrent threads and an intra-operation DOP explicitly when calling STATS_CONCURRENT * * If you want to replace the default nightly stats job with this here, the following steps should achieve this: BEGIN DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.disable( client_name => 'auto optimizer stats collection', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL); END; BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB( job_name => '', schedule_name => 'MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_GROUP', job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK', job_action => 'begin pk_stats_concurrent.stats_concurrent( ); end;', comments => 'auto optimizer stats collection replacement using concurrent stats operations based on AQ' enabled => true); END; * Please ensure the job is submitted under the account it's supposed to be run - using a different account like SYS to submit the job for a different schema * seems to cause problems with privileges (insufficient privileges error messages), at least this was reported to me * * The code at present only processes objects of type TABLE returned by GATHER_DATABASE_STATS but not indexes * assuming that these should be covered by the CASCADE functionality * * Note: This script is a prototype and comes with NO warranty. Use at your own risk and test/adjust in your environment as necessary * before using it in any production-like case * * @headcom **/ subtype oracle_object is varchar2(30); /** * Let the procedure stats_concurrent decide itself which degree to use. * At present this means simply to spawn as many child threads as defined by the CPU_COUNT parameter **/ G_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEGREE constant integer := null; /** * The main entry point to gather statistics via parallel threads / AQ * @param p_parallel_degree The number of threads to start G_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEGREE means use the CPU_COUNT parameter to determine number of threads automatically * @param p_intra_degree The DOP to use per stats operation, by default calculate DOP based on CPU_COUNT and number of threads to run concurrently (Default DOP = CPU_COUNT / number of threads) * @param p_service Specify a service if you want the jobs to be assigned to that particular service, default NULL * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO * @param p_optional_init Optionally a SQL can be passed usually used to initialize the session for example forcing a particular parallel degree **/ procedure stats_concurrent( p_parallel_degree in integer default G_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEGREE , p_intra_degree in integer default null , p_service in varchar2 default null , p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' , p_optional_init in varchar2 default null ); /** * Setup the AQ infrastructure (Queue tables, Queues) **/ procedure setup_aq; /** * Teardown the AQ infrastructure (Queue tables, Queues) **/ procedure teardown_aq; /** * Helper function to populate the AQ queue with data to process * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO **/ function list_stale_database_stats ( p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' ) return dbms_stats.objecttab pipelined; /** * Populate the AQ queue with data to process * @param p_parallel_degree The number threads to use - will be used for proper data preparation / queueing order * @param p_intra_degree The DOP to use per stats operation, by default calculate DOP based on CPU_COUNT and number of threads to run concurrently * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO **/ procedure populate_queue( p_parallel_degree in integer , p_intra_degree in integer default null , p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' ); /** * This gets called for every stats thread * It pulls the object to gather from the AQ queue * @param p_optional_init Optionally a SQL can be passed usually used to initialize the session for example forcing a particular parallel degree **/ procedure stats_thread( p_optional_init in varchar2 default null ); end pk_stats_concurrent; / show errors create or replace package body pk_stats_concurrent as ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- $Id$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * PK_STATS_CONCURRENT.SQL * * Created By : Randolf Geist (http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com) * Creation Date : 31-OCT-2016 * Last Update : 06-DEC-2016 * Authors : Randolf Geist (RG) * * History : * * When | Who | What * ---------------------------------- * 31-OCT-2016 | RG | Created * 06-DEC-2016 | RG | This header comment updated * * Description : * * This is a simple prototype implementation for the given task of gathering database stats * concurrently, in case you are not satisfied with the built-in concurrent stats option available since 11.2.0.x * * In 11.2, the CONCURRENT stats option creates as many jobs as there are objects to gather * And the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter then controls the number of concurrent jobs running * Since the ordering of execution isn't really optimized, many of these concurrent jobs might attempt to gather stats on the same object in case it is (sub)partitioned * This can lead to significant contention on Library Cache level (due to exclusive Library Cache Locks required by DDL / DBMS_STATS) * * In 12.1 the CONCURRENT stats option was obviously completed rewritten and uses some more intelligent processing * by calculating if and yes how many jobs should run concurrently for what kind of objects (see for example the new DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATION_TASKS view that exposes some of these details) * Still I've observed many occasions with this new implementation where lots of objects were deliberately gathered in the main session * one after the other which doesn't really make good use of available resources in case many objects need to be analyzed * * This implementation tries to work around these points by using a simple queue-based approach for true concurrent stats processing * combined with an attempt to distribute the tables to analyze across the different threads in a way that minimizes the contention on Library Cache level * * It needs to be installed / executed under a suitable account that has the privileges to create queues, types, packages, tables, jobs and job classes and gather stats on the whole database * * A sample user profile could look like this: create user conc_stats identified by conc_stats; grant create session, create table, create procedure, create type, create job, manage scheduler, analyze any, analyze any dictionary to conc_stats; grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to conc_stats; grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to conc_stats; grant select on sys.v_$parameter to conc_stats; alter user conc_stats default tablespace users; alter user conc_stats quota unlimited on users; * Parameters to be checked, depending on concurrency desired: * * job_queue_processes: Needs to be set high enough to accommodate for the concurrent stats threads spawned. By default this package spawns CPU_COUNT concurrent threads * parallel_max_servers: If a stats thread is supposed to use Parallel Execution (degree > 1) for gathering stats you'll need at least threads * degree Parallel Slaves configured * services: It's possible to specify a service to have the stats threads only executed on RAC nodes that run that service * * The jobs are created under the same job class, currently hard coded value CONC_STATS - this makes the handling easier in case you want to stop / drop the jobs submitted manually * * The job class name can be passed to calls to DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB or STOP_JOB - remember that job classes are owned by SYS, so you have to specify SYS.CONC_STATS for the job class name used here * * The main entry point STATS_CONCURRENT is all you need to call to start concurrent stats gathering on the database * similar to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS using one of the options GATHER, GATHER STALE or GATHER AUTO (default) - here you have to use LIST EMPTY, LIST STALE or LIST AUTO (default) * * The default behaviour when not specifying any parameters is to start as many threads as there are CPUs by using the CPU_COUNT parameter * If you want this to be multiplied by the number of instances in a RAC cluster uncomment the CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES reference below in the code (assuming same CPU_COUNT on all nodes) * * This also means that the "intra" parallelism per gather_table_stats call will be one in such a case since the intra parallelism is calculated by default as CPU_COUNT / number of threads * * If you don't want to have that many threads / PX slaves started, specify the number of concurrent threads and an intra-operation DOP explicitly when calling STATS_CONCURRENT * * If you want to replace the default nightly stats job with this here, the following steps should achieve this: BEGIN DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.disable( client_name => 'auto optimizer stats collection', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL); END; BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB( job_name => ' ', schedule_name => 'MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_GROUP', job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK', job_action => 'begin pk_stats_concurrent.stats_concurrent( ); end;', comments => 'auto optimizer stats collection replacement using concurrent stats operations based on AQ' enabled => true); END; * Please ensure the job is submitted under the account it's supposed to be run - using a different account like SYS to submit the job for a different schema * seems to cause problems with privileges (insufficient privileges error messages), at least this was reported to me * * The code at present only processes objects of type TABLE returned by GATHER_DATABASE_STATS but not indexes * assuming that these should be covered by the CASCADE functionality * * Note: This script is a prototype and comes with NO warranty. Use at your own risk and test/adjust in your environment as necessary * before using it in any production-like case * * @headcom **/ -- The queue name to use for AQ operations G_QUEUE_NAME constant varchar2(24) := 'STATS_QUEUE'; /** * Rudimentary logging required by the parallel threads since the * serveroutput generated can not be accessed * @param p_sql The SQL to log that raised the error * @param p_error_msg The error message to log **/ procedure log( p_sql in clob , p_msg in clob ) as -- We do this in an autonomous transaction since we want the logging -- to be visible while any other main transactions might be still going on pragma autonomous_transaction; begin insert into stats_concurrent_log( log_timestamp , sql_statement , message ) values ( systimestamp , p_sql , p_msg ); commit; end log; /** * Execute a SQL statement potentially in a different schema (dummy implementation here). * The string will be put to serveroutput before being executed * @param p_owner The schema to execute * @param p_sql The SQL to execute * @param p_log_error Should an error be logged or not. Default is true **/ procedure execute( p_owner in oracle_object , p_sql in clob , p_log_error in boolean default true ) as begin -- dbms_output.put_line('Owner: ' || p_owner || ' SQL: ' || substr(p_sql, 1, 4000)); $if dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 $then declare a_sql dbms_sql.varchar2a; n_start_line number; n_end_line number; c integer; n integer; LF constant varchar2(10) := ' '; len_LF constant integer := length(LF); begin n_start_line := 1 - len_LF; loop n_end_line := instr(p_sql, LF, n_start_line + len_LF); a_sql(a_sql.count + 1) := substr(p_sql, n_start_line + len_LF, case when n_end_line = 0 then length(p_sql) else n_end_line end - (n_start_line + len_LF) + len_LF); -- dbms_output.put_line(a_sql.count || ':' || a_sql(a_sql.count)); exit when n_end_line = 0; n_start_line := n_end_line; end loop; c := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(c, a_sql, 1, a_sql.count, false, dbms_sql.NATIVE); n := dbms_sql.execute(c); dbms_sql.close_cursor(c); end; $elsif dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 $then execute immediate p_sql; $else execute immediate p_sql; $end exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error: ' || SQLERRM); if p_log_error then log(p_sql, SQLERRM); end if; raise; end execute; /** * Execute a SQL statement potentially in a different schema (dummy implementation here). * This one uses an autonomous transaction. * The string will be put to serveroutput before being executed * @param p_owner The schema to execute * @param p_sql The SQL to execute * @param p_log_error Should an error be logged or not. Default is true **/ procedure execute_autonomous( p_owner in oracle_object , p_sql in clob , p_log_error in boolean default true ) as pragma autonomous_transaction; begin execute(p_owner, p_sql, p_log_error); end execute_autonomous; /** * Setup the AQ infrastructure (Queue tables, Queues) **/ procedure setup_aq as begin begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' , queue_payload_type => ''stats_concurrent_info'' ); end;' ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error creating Queue table: ' || SQLERRM); raise; end; begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' , queue_table => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' ); end;' ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error creating Queue: ' || SQLERRM); raise; end; begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.start_queue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' ); end;' ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error starting Queue: ' || SQLERRM); raise; end; end setup_aq; /** * Teardown the AQ infrastructure (Queue tables, Queues) **/ procedure teardown_aq as begin begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.stop_queue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' , wait => true ); end;' , false ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error stopping Queue: ' || SQLERRM); -- raise; end; begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' ); end;' , false ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error dropping Queue: ' || SQLERRM); -- raise; end; begin execute( null , 'begin dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''' , force => true ); end;' , false ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error dropping Queue table: ' || SQLERRM); -- raise; end; end teardown_aq; /** * Helper function to populate the AQ queue with data to process * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO **/ function list_stale_database_stats ( p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' ) return dbms_stats.objecttab pipelined as pragma autonomous_transaction; m_object_list dbms_stats.objecttab; begin if p_gather_option not in ( 'LIST AUTO', 'LIST STALE','LIST EMPTY' ) then null; else dbms_stats.gather_database_stats( options => p_gather_option, objlist => m_object_list ); for i in 1..m_object_list.count loop pipe row (m_object_list(i)); end loop; end if; return; end list_stale_database_stats; /** * Populate the AQ queue with data to process * @param p_parallel_degree The number threads to use - will be used for proper data preparation / queueing order * @param p_intra_degree The DOP to use per stats operation, by default calculate DOP based on CPU_COUNT and number of threads to run concurrently * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO **/ procedure populate_queue( p_parallel_degree in integer , p_intra_degree in integer default null , p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' ) as enq_msgid raw(16); payload stats_concurrent_info := stats_concurrent_info(null, null, null, null, null); n_dop integer; begin -- By default determine what intra-operation DOP to use depending on how many concurrent stats threads are supposed to run select nvl(p_intra_degree, ceil((select to_number(value) from v$parameter where name = 'cpu_count') / p_parallel_degree)) as dop into n_dop from dual; -- Populate the queue and use some "intelligent" ordering attempting to minimize (library cache) contention on the objects for rec in ( with -- The baseline, all TABLE objects returned by GATHER_DATABASE_STATS LIST* call a as ( select /*+ materialize */ rownum as rn, a.* from table(pk_stats_concurrent.list_stale_database_stats(p_gather_option)) a where objtype = 'TABLE' ), -- Assign all table, partitions and subpartitions to p_parallel_degree buckets concurrent_stats as ( select ntile(p_parallel_degree) over (order by rn) as new_order, a.* from a where partname is null union all select ntile(p_parallel_degree) over (order by rn) as new_order, a.* from a where partname is not null and subpartname is null union all select ntile(p_parallel_degree) over (order by rn) as new_order, a.* from a where partname is not null and subpartname is not null ), -- Now assign a row number within each bucket b as ( select c.*, row_number() over (partition by new_order order by rn) as new_rn from concurrent_stats c ) -- And pick one from each bucket in turn for queuing order select ownname , objname as tabname , coalesce(subpartname, partname) as partname , n_dop as degree , case when partname is null then 'GLOBAL' when partname is not null and subpartname is null then 'PARTITION' else 'SUBPARTITION' end as granularity from b order by new_rn, new_order ) loop payload.ownname := rec.ownname; payload.tabname := rec.tabname; payload.partname := rec.partname; payload.degree := rec.degree; payload.granularity := rec.granularity; -- TODO: Enqueue via array using ENQUEUE_ARRAY execute immediate ' declare eopt dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; begin dbms_aq.enqueue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''', enqueue_options => eopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => :payload, msgid => :enq_msgid); end;' using payload, out enq_msgid; end loop; commit; end populate_queue; /** * This gets called for every stats thread * It pulls the object to gather from the AQ queue * @param p_optional_init Optionally a SQL can be passed usually used to initialize the session for example forcing a particular parallel degree **/ procedure stats_thread( p_optional_init in varchar2 default null ) as deq_msgid RAW(16); payload stats_concurrent_info; no_messages exception; pragma exception_init(no_messages, -25228); s_sql clob; begin if p_optional_init is not null then execute(null, p_optional_init); end if; -- If the VISIBILITY is set to IMMEDIATE -- it will cause the "queue transaction" to be committed -- Which means that the STOP_QUEUE call with the WAIT option will -- be able to stop the queue while the processing takes place -- and the queue table can be monitored for progress loop begin execute immediate ' declare dopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; begin dopt.visibility := dbms_aq.IMMEDIATE; dopt.wait := dbms_aq.NO_WAIT; dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => ''' || G_QUEUE_NAME || ''', dequeue_options => dopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => :payload, msgid => :deq_msgid); end;' using out payload, out deq_msgid; s_sql := ' begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( ownname => ''' || payload.ownname || ''' , tabname => ''' || payload.tabname || ''' , partname => ''' || payload.partname || ''' , degree => ' || payload.degree || ' , granularity => ''' || payload.granularity || ''' ); end; '; -- Execute the command log(s_sql, 'Ownname: ' || payload.ownname || ' Tabname: ' || payload.tabname || ' Partname: ' || payload.partname || ' Degree: ' || payload.degree || ' Granularity: ' || payload.granularity); begin execute_autonomous(payload.ownname, s_sql); exception /* when object_already_exists then null; when object_does_not_exist then null; */ when others then null; end; exception when no_messages then exit; end; end loop; commit; end stats_thread; /** * The main entry point to gather statistics via parallel threads / AQ * @param p_parallel_degree The number of threads to start G_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEGREE means use the CPU_COUNT (but not CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES parameter, commented out below) to determine number of threads automatically * @param p_intra_degree The DOP to use per stats operation, by default calculate DOP based on CPU_COUNT and number of threads to run concurrently * @param p_service Specify a service if you want the jobs to be assigned to that particular service, default NULL * @param p_gather_option What to pass to GATHER_DATABASE_STATS as option, default LIST AUTO * @param p_optional_init Optionally a SQL can be passed usually used to initialize the session for example forcing a particular parallel degree **/ procedure stats_concurrent( p_parallel_degree in integer default G_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEGREE , p_intra_degree in integer default null , p_service in varchar2 default null , p_gather_option in varchar2 default 'LIST AUTO' , p_optional_init in varchar2 default null ) as n_cpu_count binary_integer; n_instance_count binary_integer; n_thread_count binary_integer; strval varchar2(256); partyp binary_integer; e_job_class_exists exception; pragma exception_init(e_job_class_exists, -27477); s_job_class constant varchar2(30) := 'CONC_STATS'; begin -- Truncate the log table execute immediate 'truncate table stats_concurrent_log'; -- Just in case something has been left over from a previous run teardown_aq; setup_aq; -- Populate the queue populate_queue(p_parallel_degree, p_intra_degree, p_gather_option); -- Determine auto degree of parallelism partyp := dbms_utility.get_parameter_value('cpu_count', n_cpu_count, strval); partyp := dbms_utility.get_parameter_value('cluster_database_instances', n_instance_count, strval); n_thread_count := nvl(p_parallel_degree, n_cpu_count/* * n_instance_count*/); -- Create/use a common job class, makes job handling easier and allows binding to a specific service begin dbms_scheduler.create_job_class(s_job_class); exception when e_job_class_exists then null; end; -- Assign jobs to a particular service if requested if p_service is null then dbms_scheduler.set_attribute_null('SYS.' || s_job_class, 'SERVICE'); else dbms_scheduler.set_attribute('SYS.' || s_job_class, 'SERVICE', p_service); end if; -- Submit the jobs for i in 1..n_thread_count loop dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => s_job_class || '_' || i , job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK' , job_class => s_job_class , enabled => true , job_action => 'begin dbms_session.set_role(''ALL''); pk_stats_concurrent.stats_thread(''' || p_optional_init || '''); end;' ); end loop; -- Just in case anyone wants to use DBMS_JOB instead we need to commit the DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT commit; --execute immediate 'begin dbms_lock.sleep(:p_sleep_seconds); end;' using p_sleep_seconds; --teardown_aq; end stats_concurrent; end pk_stats_concurrent; / show errors spool off
DataPump with CheckSum in 21c and above
10 hours ago
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