Friday, February 6, 2009

How to force a hard parse

It's not uncommon to be confronted with a bad behaving application that doesn't share its SQLs by using bind variables but uses literals instead. This leads to well known issues like increased CPU usage, library cache contention etc. due to the hard parse activities required.

On a recent OTN thread the question was raised, what to do if you are confronted with the opposite, a bad behaving application that shares SQL using bind variables that should not be shared? Although this might sound a bit odd at first, in pre-11g databases this "over-use" of bind variables can lead to severe issues, in particular if you have long running queries, possibly together with skewed data. Sharing SQL in such scenarios can lead to poor performance if the optimizer re-uses unsuitable execution plans that otherwise would not be used if a hard parse was forced using literals.

Obviously fixing the application and using literals where appropriate is the correct approach, but what can be done if you can't change the code, e.g. in case it's a third party application?

One possible solution is to "mis-use" the row level security feature of Oracle (RLS, often also called Virtual Private Database, VPD, also known as FGAC, Fine Grained Access Control) to modify the queries on the fly and therefore forcing a hard parse every time a query is using one of the objects the RLS policy is applied to.

The following code snippet demonstrates three slightly different approaches that were mentioned in the thread, all using the same basic principle: Add a non-filtering predicate to the query that makes the query unsharable resp. unique, e.g. like "1 = 1". The third one was contributed by Jonathan Lewis, by the way.

-- Global context approach
create table hard_parse_test
select * from all_objects
where rownum <= 1000;

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'hard_parse_test')

create or replace context ctx_force_hard_parse
using pkg_rls_force_hard_parse
accessed globally;

create or replace package pkg_rls_force_hard_parse is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2;
procedure clear_context;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse;

create or replace package body pkg_rls_force_hard_parse is
g_counter pls_integer;

procedure clear_context
dbms_session.clear_context('CTX_FORCE_HARD_PARSE', NULL, 'G_COUNTER');
end clear_context;

procedure set_context
dbms_session.set_context('ctx_force_hard_parse', 'G_COUNTER', to_char(g_counter, 'TM'));
end set_context;

procedure get_context
g_counter := to_number(SYS_CONTEXT('ctx_force_hard_parse', 'G_COUNTER'));
end get_context;

function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2
s_predicate varchar2(100);
if g_counter is null then
g_counter := 0;
end if;
g_counter := g_counter + 1;
if g_counter > 1000000 then
g_counter := 1;
end if;
-- s_predicate := '1 = 1';
s_predicate := to_char(g_counter, 'TM') || ' = ' || to_char(g_counter, 'TM');
-- s_predicate := 'object_type = ''TABLE''';
return s_predicate;
end force_hard_parse;
if g_counter is null then
g_counter := 0;
end if;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse;

exec DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY (USER, 'hard_parse_test', 'hard_parse_policy', USER, 'pkg_rls_force_hard_parse.force_hard_parse', 'select');

-- random approach
create table hard_parse_test_rand
select * from all_objects
where rownum <= 1000;

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'hard_parse_test_rand')

create or replace package pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand;

create or replace package body pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2
s_predicate varchar2(100);
n_random pls_integer;
n_random := round(dbms_random.value(1, 1000000));
-- s_predicate := '1 = 1';
s_predicate := to_char(n_random, 'TM') || ' = ' || to_char(n_random, 'TM');
-- s_predicate := 'object_type = ''TABLE''';
return s_predicate;
end force_hard_parse;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand;

exec DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY (USER, 'hard_parse_test_rand', 'hard_parse_policy', USER, 'pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand.force_hard_parse', 'select');

-- sequence approach
create sequence hard_parse_test_seq maxvalue 1000000 cycle;

create table hard_parse_test_sequence
select * from all_objects
where rownum <= 1000;

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'hard_parse_test_sequence')

create or replace package pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_seq is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_seq;

create or replace package body pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_seq is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2
s_predicate varchar2(100);
n_seq pls_integer;
select hard_parse_test_seq.nextval
into n_seq
from dual;
-- s_predicate := '1 = 1';
s_predicate := to_char(n_seq, 'TM') || ' = ' || to_char(n_seq, 'TM');
-- s_predicate := 'object_type = ''TABLE''';
return s_predicate;
end force_hard_parse;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_seq;

exec DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY (USER, 'hard_parse_test_sequence', 'hard_parse_policy', USER, 'pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_seq.force_hard_parse', 'select');

-- trace
alter session set tracefile_identifier = 'hard_parse_test_session_loop1';

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable

for i in 1..1000 loop
for rec in (select * from hard_parse_test_sequence) loop
end loop;
end loop;

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable

If you check the trace files you'll see that the query in the PL/SQL loop got hard parsed for each execution, so this looks promising. Stress testing the implementation by running the loop from multiple sessions simultaneously showed that it seems to work well, and effectively prevents the sharing of the SQLs.

Using Tom Kyte's RUNSTATS package shows that there are not too many differences in resource consumption of the different approaches:

-- statistics
set timing on echo on serveroutput on trimspool on

spool hard_parse_force_rls_testcase.log

alter session set nls_language = 'AMERICAN';

alter system flush shared_pool;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_start

for i in 1..1000 loop
for rec in (select * from hard_parse_test) loop
end loop;
end loop;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle

for i in 1..1000 loop
for rec in (select * from hard_parse_test_rand) loop
end loop;
end loop;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop

spool off

-- statistics
set timing on echo on serveroutput on trimspool on

spool hard_parse_force_rls_testcase2.log

alter session set nls_language = 'AMERICAN';

alter system flush shared_pool;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_start

for i in 1..1000 loop
for rec in (select * from hard_parse_test_sequence) loop
end loop;
end loop;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle

for i in 1..1000 loop
for rec in (select * from hard_parse_test_rand) loop
end loop;
end loop;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop

spool off

Results for Global Context vs Random:

Run1 ran in 1941 hsecs
Run2 ran in 1869 hsecs
run 1 ran in 103,85% of the time

Name Run1 Run2 Diff
LATCH.list of block allocation 0 1 1
LATCH.transaction branch alloc 7 6 -1
STAT...session cursor cache co 1 0 -1
STAT...table scan blocks gotte 2,002 2,001 -1
STAT...redo entries 9 10 1
STAT...calls to kcmgcs 4 5 1
LATCH.user lock 0 1 1
LATCH.transaction allocation 0 1 1
LATCH.longop free list parent 7 6 -1
STAT...opened cursors current 1 2 1
LATCH.session timer 7 6 -1
LATCH.mostly latch-free SCN 7 6 -1
LATCH.threshold alerts latch 1 0 -1
LATCH.lgwr LWN SCN 7 6 -1
LATCH.ASM db client latch 14 12 -2
STAT...cursor authentications 3 5 2
LATCH.job_queue_processes para 0 2 2
LATCH.session idle bit 16 14 -2
LATCH.cache buffers lru chain 7 5 -2
LATCH.shared pool sim alloc 2 0 -2
LATCH.dml lock allocation 0 2 2
LATCH.undo global data 3 6 3
LATCH.parameter list 5 2 -3
STAT...table fetch continued r 3 0 -3
STAT...bytes received via SQL* 1,224 1,227 3
LATCH.redo allocation 16 19 3
LATCH.object queue header oper 50 46 -4
LATCH.In memory undo latch 8 12 4
LATCH.library cache lock alloc 12 16 4
LATCH.parallel query alloc buf 4 0 -4
STAT...consistent changes 37 32 -5
STAT...db block changes 47 42 -5
LATCH.session state list latch 6 0 -6 service list 40 33 -7
STAT...undo change vector size 2,132 2,140 8
STAT...parse time cpu 13 5 -8
LATCH.messages 124 116 -8
STAT...parse count (hard) 1,013 1,004 -9
STAT...parse time elapsed 15 5 -10
STAT...db block gets 39 28 -11
STAT...db block gets from cach 39 28 -11 operations paren 98 84 -14
STAT...enqueue releases 1,020 1,005 -15
STAT...enqueue requests 1,021 1,005 -16
LATCH.checkpoint queue latch 184 168 -16
LATCH.library cache load lock 60 41 -19
STAT...redo size 2,884 2,904 20
STAT...workarea executions - o 38 14 -24
STAT...table scan rows gotten 178,060 178,030 -30
STAT...cluster key scans 47 8 -39
LATCH.kks stats 1,056 1,015 -41
STAT...rows fetched via callba 58 15 -43
STAT...cluster key scan block 51 8 -43 buffers moved to he 45 0 -45
STAT...workarea memory allocat 34 -12 -46
STAT...sorts (memory) 63 15 -48 buffer inspected 49 0 -49
STAT...CPU used by this sessio 1,915 1,856 -59
STAT...parse count (total) 2,137 2,074 -63
STAT...CPU used when call star 1,921 1,857 -64
STAT...recursive cpu usage 1,918 1,853 -65
STAT...index scans kdiixs1 137 67 -70
STAT...Elapsed Time 1,944 1,873 -71
LATCH.SQL memory manager worka 489 416 -73
STAT...DB time 1,945 1,867 -78
STAT...index fetch by key 116 25 -91
STAT...session cursor cache hi 2,157 2,059 -98
STAT...opened cursors cumulati 2,172 2,071 -101
LATCH.enqueues 2,365 2,252 -113
STAT...execute count 3,208 3,094 -114
LATCH.enqueue hash chains 2,368 2,253 -115
STAT...calls to get snapshot s 3,210 3,091 -119
STAT...consistent gets - exami 377 131 -246 work - consistent re 2,456 2,183 -273
STAT...buffer is not pinned co 617 230 -387
STAT...table fetch by rowid 555 103 -452
STAT...consistent gets 4,841 4,323 -518
STAT...consistent gets from ca 4,841 4,323 -518
STAT...session logical reads 4,880 4,351 -529
STAT...sorts (rows) 3,173 2,561 -612
STAT...buffer is pinned count 653 9 -644
LATCH.cache buffers chains 9,799 8,728 -1,071
LATCH.simulator hash latch 50 2,023 1,973
STAT...recursive calls 8,243 6,256 -1,987
LATCH.session allocation 7,735 2,065 -5,670 ctx hash table la 6,004 0 -6,004
LATCH.library cache lock 1,011,473 1,003,687 -7,786
LATCH.shared pool simulator 509,871 517,895 8,024
LATCH.library cache pin 34,233 22,204 -12,029
LATCH.library cache 1,061,947 1,040,025 -21,922
STAT...session pga memory max 310,652 196,608 -114,044
STAT...session uga memory 130,928 0 -130,928
LATCH.row cache objects 37,688,620 37,550,193 -138,427
STAT...session uga memory max 299,884 123,440 -176,444
STAT...session pga memory 310,652 0 -310,652
LATCH.shared pool 896,770 283,900 -612,870

Run1 latches total versus runs -- difference and pct
Run1 Run2 Diff Pct
41,235,708 40,439,510 -796,198 101.97%

Results for Sequence vs. Random:

Run1 ran in 1912 hsecs
Run2 ran in 1863 hsecs
run 1 ran in 102,63% of the time

Name Run1 Run2 Diff
LATCH.compile environment latc 1 0 -1
LATCH.job_queue_processes para 1 0 -1
LATCH.threshold alerts latch 0 1 1
LATCH.parameter list 3 2 -1
LATCH.resmgr:actses change gro 1 0 -1
LATCH.KMG MMAN ready and start 7 6 -1
LATCH.FOB s.o list latch 1 0 -1
LATCH.parameter table allocati 1 0 -1
STAT...cursor authentications 4 3 -1
STAT...session cursor cache co 1 0 -1
STAT...index crx upgrade (posi 2 1 -1
STAT...calls to kcmgcs 4 5 1
STAT...shared hash latch upgra 2 1 -1
LATCH.resmgr:active threads 2 0 -2
LATCH.resmgr:free threads list 2 0 -2
STAT...table fetch continued r 2 0 -2 queue 2 0 -2
LATCH.user lock 2 0 -2
LATCH.dummy allocation 2 0 -2
LATCH.mostly latch-free SCN 9 6 -3
LATCH.lgwr LWN SCN 9 6 -3
LATCH.list of block allocation 3 0 -3
LATCH.transaction allocation 3 0 -3
STAT...change write time 3 0 -3
STAT...parse time elapsed 10 13 3 service list 44 41 -3
STAT...workarea memory allocat -18 -21 -3
LATCH.parallel query alloc buf 4 0 -4
LATCH.PL/SQL warning settings 2,010 2,006 -4 buffer requested 8 12 4
STAT...parse time cpu 10 6 -4
STAT...consistent changes 37 32 -5
STAT...bytes received via SQL* 1,233 1,227 -6
LATCH.resmgr group change latc 6 0 -6 operations paren 98 92 -6
STAT...physical read total IO 0 6 6
STAT...physical read IO reques 0 6 6
STAT...physical reads cache 0 6 6
STAT...physical reads 0 6 6
STAT...user I/O wait time 0 7 7
LATCH.library cache pin alloca 15 7 -8
LATCH.session state list latch 8 0 -8
LATCH.Consistent RBA 9 1 -8 checkpoint queue 15 6 -9
LATCH.simulator lru latch 10 0 -10
STAT...parse count (hard) 1,016 1,006 -10
LATCH.In memory undo latch 25 8 -17
LATCH.cache buffers lru chain 30 12 -18
LATCH.redo allocation 34 15 -19
LATCH.client/application info 24 0 -24
LATCH.shared pool sim alloc 0 24 24
STAT...workarea executions - o 38 13 -25
LATCH.messages 158 126 -32
LATCH.redo writing 54 22 -32
LATCH.library cache lock alloc 43 8 -35
STAT...rows fetched via callba 53 15 -38 buffers moved to he 41 2 -39
STAT...CPU used by this sessio 1,880 1,839 -41
LATCH.SQL memory manager worka 456 412 -44
STAT...recursive cpu usage 1,880 1,835 -45
STAT...cluster key scans 51 5 -46
STAT...CPU used when call star 1,885 1,839 -46
STAT...Elapsed Time 1,914 1,866 -48
LATCH.kks stats 1,084 1,036 -48
STAT...cluster key scan block 55 5 -50
LATCH.object queue header heap 90 36 -54
STAT...DB time 1,915 1,860 -55
STAT...sorts (memory) 68 12 -56 buffer inspected 61 0 -61
STAT...index scans kdiixs1 133 66 -67
LATCH.object queue header oper 136 60 -76
STAT...commit cleanouts 101 0 -101
STAT...commit cleanouts succes 101 0 -101
STAT...calls to kcmgas 101 0 -101
STAT...deferred (CURRENT) bloc 101 0 -101
LATCH.session idle bit 123 14 -109
STAT...parse count (total) 2,214 2,071 -143
LATCH.library cache load lock 206 28 -178
LATCH.checkpoint queue latch 420 240 -180
STAT...index fetch by key 217 21 -196
STAT...session cursor cache hi 2,255 2,058 -197
STAT...redo entries 211 10 -201
LATCH.enqueues 2,543 2,334 -209
LATCH.dml lock allocation 214 0 -214
STAT...opened cursors cumulati 2,289 2,067 -222 work - consistent re 2,450 2,182 -268
STAT...db block gets from cach 345 30 -315
STAT...db block gets 345 30 -315
STAT...enqueue releases 1,327 1,007 -320
STAT...enqueue requests 1,328 1,007 -321
LATCH.undo global data 322 1 -321
STAT...consistent gets - exami 465 123 -342
STAT...buffer is not pinned co 600 228 -372
STAT...db block changes 451 43 -408
STAT...table fetch by rowid 545 102 -443
STAT...consistent gets 4,924 4,314 -610
STAT...consistent gets from ca 4,924 4,314 -610
STAT...sorts (rows) 3,178 2,561 -617
STAT...buffer is pinned count 654 9 -645
LATCH.enqueue hash chains 3,074 2,336 -738
LATCH.library cache lock 1,008,133 1,007,327 -806
STAT...session logical reads 5,269 4,344 -925
LATCH.simulator hash latch 242 2,027 1,785
STAT...execute count 5,310 3,090 -2,220
STAT...calls to get snapshot s 5,413 3,087 -2,326
LATCH.library cache 1,040,087 1,043,596 3,509
LATCH.library cache pin 18,535 22,182 3,647
LATCH.row cache objects 37,693,219 37,688,109 -5,110
STAT...recursive calls 11,801 6,131 -5,670
LATCH.sequence cache 6,210 0 -6,210
LATCH.cache buffers chains 18,122 8,807 -9,315
LATCH.shared pool simulator 538,704 558,857 20,153
STAT...undo change vector size 22,736 2,148 -20,588
LATCH.session allocation 25,092 2,957 -22,135
STAT...physical read total byt 0 49,152 49,152
STAT...physical read bytes 0 49,152 49,152
STAT...redo size 65,780 2,928 -62,852
STAT...session uga memory 65,464 0 -65,464
STAT...session pga memory 131,072 65,536 -65,536
STAT...session pga memory max 262,144 131,072 -131,072
STAT...session uga memory max 315,052 65,464 -249,588
LATCH.shared pool 702,224 301,771 -400,453

Run1 latches total versus runs -- difference and pct
Run1 Run2 Diff Pct
41,062,061 40,644,708 -417,353 101.03%

In passing, it looks like that the tests on Win32bit revealed that the 10g RLS code has some built-in check which ignores non-filtering predicates like "1 = 1", at least the predicate doesn't show up in the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY output whereas an actual filter predicate like "OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'" does show up. Still the hard parse is forced, so it's even better if the query is effectively not modified.

It's worth to mention that the RLS policy adds a significant overhead. If you check the trace files you'll notice that the policy function gets called once per parse and obviously twice per execution, so a single parse/execute of a query causes two hard parses and three calls to the policy function.

By the way, Tanel Poder mentioned in the OTN thread that he demonstrated a quite similar solution some time back at HotSOS which I wasn't aware of. His demo shows some enhanced versions of the solution including the ability to check for particular SQLs so that not every SQL is affected. Thanks, Tanel, for the information and link.


  1. Hi, Randolf.
    I'm Dion Cho on that article. Happy to see you again.

    I've also posted about it on my blog.

    Very interesting topic. :)

  2. Dion,

    thanks for the link. Yes, I've seen your post about it recently.

    Tanel Poder had the same idea some time back ago when he was confronted with a similar application on 10.1, see the link in my note.


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