Of course, in an ideal world the lower environment is supposed to have sufficient space to hold the complete database, but we don't live in an ideal world. Sometimes, depending on the storage technology, you might be able to do some kind of temporary "split mirror" operation that allows you to start up a complete clone of the database and drop all the affected objects / tablespaces before putting the cleaned up / partial database on the final target system, but this is not always applicable, for instance when using ASM-based storage.
The issue in that particular case is that you can do for instance a partial RMAN clone that omits the historical tablespaces, but the resulting database then obviously has some tablespaces that are unavailable and can't be onlined since the datafiles are simply missing.
In case of objects that are completely residing in the offlined tablespaces the solution is simple and straightforward: The objects can be dropped or the affected tablespaces can simply be dropped with the "including contents" clause.
Things get more complicated however in case of partitioned objects if some of the partitions reside in the offlined tablespaces.
In that case you can't simply drop the offlines tablespaces - you end up with Oracle error message "ORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace" for example that tells you that objects exist that have some of their partitions not residing in the offlined tablespace and Oracle obviously won't do the cleanup job for you in that case.
Oracle allows to drop partitions of a table that reside in offlined tablespaces, but there is an important limitation: You can only do so if no index has been defined on the table. Otherwise you get the error message "ORA-14117/ORA-14630: [sub]partition resides in offlined tablespace" when attempting to drop the partition. It's interesting to note that the mere existence of indexes is sufficient - it doesn't matter if the index is residing in an offlined or onlined tablespace, if it is unusable or not - you just need to have at least one index defined on the table, and the drop partition operation errors out. It looks like a hard coded "if index exists then error" code path. I'm not sure why exactly this restriction is in place, but it has serious consequences if you need to do this sort of cleanup for a large database with hundreds of thousands of partitions.
By the way it is interesting to know that Oracle allows to drop segments from offlined tablespaces that are locally managed - think about the consequence: The local bitmaps that represent the allocated and free space in the tablespace can not be updated at the time of the drop operation. This is one of the few disadvantages compared to the old-fashioned dictionary managed tablespaces where an operation like that potentially could have been limited to a pure dictionary operation.
The approach Oracle chooses is straightforward: The segments dropped are converted into "temporary" objects (kind of a special "recyclebin" if you want to say so) and if the offlined tablespace should get onlined again the local bitmaps will be updated according to these temporary objects and finally the temporary objects will be removed from the dictionary. Otherwise if the offlined tablespace gets dropped the corresponding temporary objects consequently can also be removed.
Tanel Poder recently also blogged about this in the context of read-only tablespaces.
So you could now drop all indexes from the affected tables and recreate them afterwards, but this is not a good idea for several reasons:
* If the remaining partitions still represent multiple terabytes it will take quite long to rebuild all indexes
* Things might go wrong and you end up with missing indexes
Since these are partitioned objects, another Oracle best practice might come to rescue: Exchange the affected partitions with an exchange table excluding indexes - this allows to drop the exchanged partition residing in an offlined tablespace without any error message. Note that this means that after you've exchanged the partition you need to drop the unpartitioned object (that doesn't have indexes) in order to get rid of the affected segment.
Now if you only have a few objects that are affected or only a single partition to clean up per table then you're basically done, but if you need to clean up multiple partitions and the number of partitions is high then this approach is not feasible, because it sounds like quite an overhead to drop / create a table for each partition that needs to be cleaned up - in particular when talking about hundred thousands of partitions.
The approach of creating a table to exchange partitions with adds another complexity to the problem: Many large databases make usage of the option in Oracle to set columns unused instead of actually dropping them, since the former is a simple meta data operation in the dictionary (renames the column and marks the column as hidden) and independent from the data volume and therefore almost instant but the latter requires Oracle to process the whole segment which can take quite some time in case of huge segments (and is not a very efficient operation by the way, but that is something for a different post).
Now creating a table that can be exchanged with such an evolved table that contains unused columns can not be accomplished by simply doing a handy CTAS operation - the unused columns will be missing from the copy and therefore the exchange operation will fail with "column mismatch" errors.
So you need to deal with these unused columns somehow in that moment you need to create a table dynamically, and you need to do that if you need to drop more than a single partition per table.
The only other viable option that I'm aware of is to maintain this exchange table as a partitioned table itself permanently - which means create two exact copies (in terms of dictionary meta data) of every potentially affected table and make sure to apply the same DDL in the same order which will ensure that the exchange operation with those tables will succeed.
It will need two copies, one unpartitioned and one partitioned, if you want to avoid the drop and dynamic create table operation, since Oracle allows to exchange partitions only with unpartitioned tables. So it would take two exchange operations per affected partition - the first with the unpartitioned table, and the second with the partitioned table. Both exchange operations would have to be done excluding indexes and at least the final partitioned table has to be created excluding indexes - note that Oracle allows the exchange operation even if one table is missing a potentially created primary key constraint if you use the "EXCLUDING INDEXES" clause.
Then you can drop the partition that has been exchanged into the second table since the table doesn't have any indexes defined on it.
This allows you to accomplish two objectives:
1. Avoid a costly (and potentially complex in case of unused columns) drop / create table operation per partition
2. Manage the drop / create cycle by simply dropping and adding partitions in the second table which is far less overhead compared to a drop / create table operation which is important when performance matters
However maintaining two copies for every table that potentially needs to be cleaned up sounds like a huge overhead, and even in Oracle 11.2 with the deferred segment creation at least the partitioned table copy will allocate space since the deferred segment creation option is not (yet) applicable to partitioned objects.
So here a few ideas how to accomplish such a cleanup operation:
1. For each table to process create the required table copies on the fly dynamically once. If you don't have to deal with unused columns then a simple CTAS operation can be used to create those tables. If you need to handle unused columns, a more complex approach is required. You will have to use custom queries against the data dictionary to extract the required information since the official DBMS_METADATA interface as far as I know doesn't expose information about unused columns.
The following query could be used as a starting point to extract the column definition of a table:
-- Get the column list including hidden columns, but ignoring virtual columns added by function-based indexes
-- TODO: What about virtual columns (11g or later)?
'YES', 'SYS$' || internal_column_id || '$UNUSED',
) ||
' ' ||
lower(data_type) ||
decode(substr(data_type, 1, 9),
'TIMESTAMP', null,
'INTERVAL ', null,
'NUMBER', decode(t.data_precision || t.data_scale,
null, null,
'(' ||
null, '*',
) ||
null, null,
',' || t.data_scale
) ||
'FLOAT', '(' || t.data_precision || ')',
'LONG', null,
'LONG RAW', null,
'BLOB', null,
'CLOB', null,
'NCLOB', null,
'BFILE', null,
'CFILE', null,
'MLSLABEL', null,
'ROWID', null,
'UROWID', null,
'DATE', null,
'(' ||
0, to_number(null),
) ||
'CHAR_CS', decode(t.char_used,
'C', ' char',
'B', ' byte'
) ||
) ||
' ' ||
'N', 'not null',
) ||
',' as column_def
all_tab_cols t
t.owner = <OWNER>
and t.table_name = <TABLE_NAME>
and t.segment_column_id is not null
order by
This will generate SYS$<n>$UNUSED columns for all columns set to unused in the source table which can then subsequently be set to unused in the newly created table to have the same layout as the source table.
Note that it hasn't been tested with virtual columns yet, but should deal with most of the available data types and also handle columns using char semantics correctly (important for NCHAR / NVARCHAR based columns and databases running with multi-byte characters, in particular AL32UTF8). It also can handle virtual columns added via function-based indexes.
Of course the extraction process potentially needs to handle much more than shown here, for instance check the table properties like index organized tables, partition keys etc.
2. Process each affected table partition using the following approach:
* Add a new "clean" partition to the partitioned copy table in a tablespace that is online. The partition key is a "dummy" key that can be the same for each iteration of this process. This is the segment that is going to end up in the affected partitioned table and will be finally dropped since it then resides in a available tablespace. Remember, we want to get rid of those partitions residing in unavailable tablespaces, since we have not sufficient space in the clone of the database to make them available)
* Exchange the affected partition with the unpartitioned copy table EXCLUDING INDEXES (The unpartitioned table copy has also been initially created in an available tablespace)
* Exchange the unpartitioned copy table (that now holds the defect partition) with the newly created "clean" partition of the partitioned copy table EXCLUDING INDEXES
* Now the defect partition resides in the partitioned copy table and can simply be dropped since we don't have any indexes defined on this table
* Finally we can drop now the partition from the affected table (that is now the partition that has been added to the partitioned copy table in the previous iteration of the process) since the partition resides now in an available tablespace
The same process can be applied to a subpartitioned table. There are of course some more details to consider, for example, you can't drop the last subpartition or partition from a partition / table, but since we assume that our affected table in general still has some partitions left over that reside in current and available tablespaces it should be possible to handle these scenarios.
Here is a code snippet / template that applies this process:
* Drop a (sub-)partition residing in an offline tablespace
* @param p_object The original object to clean up
* @param p_temp_exc_table_name The name of the working table
* @param p_clean_tablespace_name The tablespace where to create the cleanup partition
* @param p_partition_name The name of the (sub-)partition to drop
* @param p_segment_type The type of the segment (TABLE[ ][SUB][PARTITION])
* @param p_last_partition_indicator For subpartitions indicate that this is
* the last subpartition - this will drop the whole partition
procedure drop_partition(
p_object in r_oracle_object
, p_temp_exc_table_name in out oracle_object
, p_clean_tablespace_name in oracle_object
, p_partition_name in oracle_object
, p_segment_type in oracle_object
, p_last_partition_indicator in varchar2
s_sql large_sql;
s_partition_type varchar2(255);
s_exchange_table oracle_object;
e_partition_in_offline_ts exception;
pragma exception_init(e_partition_in_offline_ts, -14117);
-- We do this in an autonomous transaction to keep it separate
-- from any outside transactions like the "queue" transaction
-- used by the parallel clean up threads
pragma autonomous_transaction;
-- Determine if this is a partition or subpartition
s_partition_type := substr(p_segment_type, 7, 255);
-- Step 1: Add a clean partition to the temporary cleanup table
s_sql := 'alter table ' || p_temp_exc_table_name || ' add partition p_cleanup values (42) tablespace ' || p_clean_tablespace_name;
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
-- Get the name of the unpartitioned table copy
s_exchange_table := get_exchange_table(p_object);
-- Step 2: Exchange the defect (sub-)partition with the unpartitioned copy table EXCLUDING indexes
s_sql := '
alter table ' || p_object.segment_name || '
exchange ' || s_partition_type || ' ' || p_partition_name || '
with table ' || s_exchange_table || '
excluding indexes without validation';
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
-- Step 3: Exchange the unpartitioned copy table with the partitioned copy table partition again EXCLUDING indexes
s_sql := '
alter table ' || p_temp_exc_table_name || '
exchange partition p_cleanup
with table ' || s_exchange_table || '
excluding indexes without validation';
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
-- Step 4: Drop the defect partition now residing in partitioned "waste-bin"table partition
-- Since we don't have any indexes this is possible now
s_sql := 'alter table ' || p_temp_exc_table_name || ' drop partition p_cleanup';
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
-- Any tables with LOBs will cause an exception since they will implicitly have a LOB INDEX added
-- Therefore the DROP PARTITION will fail with ORA-14117
-- The simplest solution is to drop and recreate the entire working table - note the serious side effects
-- of the underlying ORA-01110 error in See below comments about the potential impact
-- of the health check monitoring
-- A smoother way of handling this to avoid these potential side-effects is to check if the
-- table has any indexes defined on it and then do not attempt to drop the partition but
-- immediately drop the entire table
when e_partition_in_offline_ts then
drop_temporary_exc_table(p_object, p_temp_exc_table_name);
p_temp_exc_table_name := create_temporary_exc_table(p_object, p_clean_tablespace_name, p_segment_type);
-- Step 5: Drop the partition / subpartition which completes the cleanup
-- TODO: Are really all subpartitions of a partition affected?
-- If not, this logic needs to be revised
if (s_partition_type = 'SUBPARTITION' and p_last_partition_indicator = 'Y') then
s_sql := 'alter table ' || p_object.segment_name || ' drop partition ' || get_parent_partition(p_object, p_partition_name);
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
elsif s_partition_type = 'PARTITION' then
s_sql := 'alter table ' || p_object.segment_name || ' drop partition ' || p_partition_name;
execute(p_object.owner, s_sql);
end if;
end drop_partition;
Note that tables with LOBs need special treatment since the logic used for tables without LOBs fails with an error that the partition resides in an offline tablespace when the "defect" partition gets dropped from the temporary cleanup table.
This is the error that is typically raised when attempting to drop a partition from a table having indexes defined on it. Very likely this error is caused by the fact that a LOB always has a corresponding LOB INDEX (that will be always exchanged when doing an EXCHANGE PARTITION even if EXCLUDING INDEXES is specified).
Since this index cannot be dropped from the temporary cleanup table we actually do not gain anything by performing the exchange exercise.
The simplest solution to the problem is to drop and recreate the cleanup table which is possible without the ORA-14117 error message being raised.
Note that attempting to drop the partition raising the ORA-14117 error has a serious side effect in and If the "Health Monitoring" detects a "flooding" ORA-1110 error (something is wrong with a datafile) any operation on these datafiles from then on seem to have tracing turned on - this leads to the odd situation that onlining such a tablespace again (which we can't do in our actual case since the datafiles are not there, but I've done for testing purposes) takes minutes and generates trace files in size between 20 and 500 MB (!).
I haven't investigated much into this, but in my tests this couldn't be avoided by setting the undocumented parameter "_disable_health_checks=TRUE".
The MMON_SLAVE process will dump something similar to this:
========= Dump for error ORA 1110 (no incident) ========
----- DDE Action: 'DB_STRUCTURE_INTEGRITY_CHECK' (Async) -----
Also for the sessions that cause the error something like this will be written to trace files:
DDE rules only execution for: ORA 1110
----- START Event Driven Actions Dump ----
---- END Event Driven Actions Dump ----
----- START DDE Actions Dump -----
Executing SYNC actions
DDE Action 'DB_STRUCTURE_INTEGRITY_CHECK' was flood controlled
Executing ASYNC actions
----- END DDE Actions Dump (total 0 csec) -----
A smoother way of handling this to avoid these potential side-effects is to check if the table has any indexes defined on it and then do not attempt to drop the partition but immediately drop the entire table.
Since each iteration of this process takes some time (in a database with hundreds of thousands of partitions this can take a few seconds per partition due to the underlying recursive data dictionary operations) and is according to some traces mostly CPU bound you can speed up the processing by using multiple processes it if you have multiple CPUs available.
Using an approach with Advanced Queueing having multiple consumers (for instance as many consumers as CPUs) we were able to cleanup more than 200,000 partitions (table plus index (sub)partitions) in less than one hour which was within the available timeframe for that operation.