Monday, November 3, 2008

Primary key / unique constraints enforced using a non-unique index - and

When enforcing a primary key or unique constraint using a non-unique index allows to use direct-path inserts (append mode) in contrast to which silently falls back to conventional inserts in this particular case. For a demonstration, see here.

But this enhancement in seems to allow a situation where the enabled and validated constraint can be violated without any error message. This looks like a bug. If you simply set the non-unique index to "unusable" and then attempt to insert duplicates using direct-path insert mode you'll actually succeed and therefore end up with duplicate data in your table although you have a enabled primary key/unique constraint.

A small script shall demonstrate the issue:

SQL> -- blank sample table
SQL> create table append_test as
2 select
3 trunc(sqrt(rownum-1)) as skewed_data,
4 rownum-1 as id,
5 lpad(rownum-1,10) id_char,
6 rpad('x',50, 'x') as filler
7 from
8 all_objects
9 where 1 = 2;

Table created.

SQL> -- create non-unique index
SQL> create index append_test_pk on append_test(id);

Index created.

SQL> -- add primary key constraint
SQL> alter table append_test add constraint pk_append_test primary key (id);

Table altered.

SQL> -- same applies to unique constraint
SQL> -- alter table append_test add constraint uq_append_test unique (id);
SQL> -- make the index unusable
SQL> alter index append_test_pk unusable;

Index altered.

SQL> -- now perform a direct-path insert
SQL> insert /*+ append */ into append_test
2 select
3 trunc(sqrt(rownum-1)) as skewed_data,
4 1 as id,
5 --rownum-1 as id,
6 lpad(rownum-1,10) id_char,
7 rpad('x',50, 'x') as filler
8 from
9 all_objects
10 where rownum <= 100;

100 rows created.

SQL> -- this generates an error ORA-12838
SQL> -- and therefore shows that this
SQL> -- was a direct-path insert
SQL> select * from append_test;
select * from append_test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

SQL> -- now we have non-unique data
SQL> -- in the table
SQL> -- although the primary key
SQL> -- constraint is enabled and
SQL> -- validated
SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> -- try the same using conventional insert
SQL> insert /*+ noappend */ into append_test
2 select
3 trunc(sqrt(rownum-1)) as skewed_data,
4 1 as id,
5 --rownum-1 as id,
6 lpad(rownum-1,10) id_char,
7 rpad('x',50, 'x') as filler
8 from
9 all_objects
10 where rownum <= 100;
insert /*+ noappend */ into append_test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01502: index 'CBO_TEST.APPEND_TEST_PK' or partition of such index is in unusable state

SQL> -- rebuild the index
SQL> alter index append_test_pk rebuild;

Index altered.

SQL> -- attempt to re-validate the constraint
SQL> alter table append_test modify constraint pk_append_test novalidate;

Table altered.

SQL> -- fails due to duplicates
SQL> alter table append_test modify constraint pk_append_test validate;
alter table append_test modify constraint pk_append_test validate
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02437: cannot validate (CBO_TEST.PK_APPEND_TEST) - primary key violated

SQL> spool off

The issue can still be reproduced in the patch set and therefore and seems to be a bug not yet fixed.